About four billion people, representing nearly two-thirds of the global population, experience severe water scarcity during at least one month of the year. (UNICEF)
In addition, more than two billion people lack access to reliable clean water, and with climate change now an unfortunate reality, half of the world's population will face water scarcity by the year 2025. (UN)
Less than 5% of water projects are visited after they’re constructed, and less than 1% are monitored long-term. (World Bank)
Safe Water Management Q&A
Kathryn Bergmann, COO answers some crucial questions for Water Quality Products Magazine
"Data collection and analysis are imperative to support improvements in safe water management, particularly as climate change creates new obstacles and variations in rainfall and aquifer recharge. In order to assess, replicate and improve any large-scale development project, data needs to be regularly collected, and the quantity and quality of that data is also important to be meaningful in determining the efficiency and impact of the project. This data analysis reveals that the goals of the project have been met or not met by measuring consistent benchmarks through uniform methodology, and then this information is used to inform and improve the water system being tracked, as well as future water system design and management."
8 Important Discussions in the Water Aid Community
This report focuses on eight major areas of discussion within the water-aid community: the status of clean water in rural African communities, inadequate technical expertise, community involvement and proper training, water system performance by type, the problem with hand pumps, solar powered water systems, community WASH training, and lack of measurement and evaluation.

Accelerating Outcome Learning for Social Enterprises
This webinar is a roundtable conversation between Miller Center leadership, Social Enterprises on the journey of IMM with Miller Center, Next Billion, and Sopact.
There is a growing interest in social enterprises due to their potential to create innovative models for employment, entrepreneurship, social inclusion, public service quality, local development, and environmental protection. As a result, investors seek investments that can deliver a higher impact. However, due diligence often fails to provide reliable evidence of impact, making finding a suitable investment difficult.

SIWI World Water Week Presentation
In 2021 Stockholm International Water Institute hosted a virtual World Water Week conference, Well Beyond presented on a panel there.
Reaching Rural Communities in Kenya through a COVID-19 Response Module in the App
During the pandemic , the Well Beyond app pivoted to deploying COVID-19 training modules. These modules helped disseminate important information on virus transmission and best hygiene practices.